Performance & personal developpement

Performance and professional development

Through 4 essential Human Ressources plans:

Integrate our employees

To help them be rapidly efficient:

  • Accelerate their discovery of the company
  • Give them the key competences that will help them in their missions
  • Ease their integration with the internal network

Evaluate and support the performance of our employees

The annual performance evaluation is a priviledged encounter between the manager, who is in charge of the evaluation and his team's performance development, and the employee who is responsible for his performance and his professional evolution.
Ambition: build together a personal development plan.

Cultivate the know-how of our employees

Development of individual and group competences is a major axis of our strategy.

Detecting needed skills, defining the appropriate manner to respond and efficiently accompanying the progress of each employee are the main responsibilities of each manager.

Our actions for professionalisation are linked to major axes:

  • division performance
  • operational and organisational performance
  • managerial performance
  • development of attitudes and behaviour in line with our values

We consecrate 5 % of our total payroll to training and each year nearly 75% of employees are involved.

The development and sharing of know-how and best practices is organised and stimulated through:

  • international profession networks
  • collaborative spaces
  • systems for transfering know-how

Organising internal mobility and professional developement of our employees

  • You are the main actor in your career, you can apply for all posted jobs, open internally
  • Managers and HR for your perimeter pilote mobility, according to skills anticipated for future stakes and projects in the company.